
The shop

The Moonchild Wandering is a human-sized company whose mission is to offer natural and creative products on which we will tell you everything. My wish is to unite nature and spirituality through my products so that they can benefit both body and soul.

Indeed, The Moonchild Wandering offers a holistic approach to well-being that is not limited to its catalog.

Thus a blog and a Materia Medica are at your disposal in addition to the catalog. Find regularly info, recipes and tutorials through our various social networks.

Products and packaging

As a consumer of natural products for several years, I am very meticulous about the quality and origin of the products, which also applies in my work.

That’s why all The Moonchild Wandering products are exclusively organically grown. However, in order to comply with the various legislations, I am unfortunately not always authorized to display the organic certification of all my suppliers on their packaging or to mention it.

I also favor collaborations with other creators and farmers in order to support and highlight know-how.

Finally, The Moonchild Wandering offers its products only in recyclable, recycled and reusable packaging. Also note that for each order, you will find a small seeded thank you card, to plant wherever you want, including in our tea boxes! 🌱

The designer

Thanks for your interest, my name is Edwige, creator of The Moonchild Wandering. Graduated in Educational Sciences and trained in herbalism. I have a great interest in traditional medicines Tibetan, Chinese , Ayurvedic and Yunani .

É studying plants allows me to elaborate and develop, with the assistance of professionals, my own natural formulas and thus to be able to integrate them into the catalog of unique and original products alongside more traditional elements. My goal is to offer healthy and high quality products, inspired by traditional alternative medicine.

His journey

Franco-Ivorian mixed race, I was born and raised in France. I had the good fortune to live a good part of my childhood in Auvergne. Gardening, hiking and stargazing were part of my daily life.

Growing up, I became interested in ancient civilizations, ancestral medicines, spirituality and more so in astrology.

It is also thanks to my many travels, and more particularly to Asia, where I have been going regularly for several years, that I have learned a lot. ( だ か ら 私 は ち ょ っ と 日本 語 を 話 す で す . で も , あ ま り 上手 く 話 せ ま せ ん , す み ま せ ん…) J 'I therefore wanted to structure and develop all these notions through my studies in herbalism in order to materialize them in a single project: The Moonchild Wandering.

The name

The Moonchild Wandering which means " the wandering of the child of the Moon " in French, is a tribute to all this journey of life, which is specific to each one and which we all do. 'experience.

My wish with The Moonchild Wandering is to succeed in contributing to your well-being, according to your own life experience.

Thank you for your interest and enjoy your visit! 🤍


A The Moonchild Wandering playlist is also available on Spotify!

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